Cat sitting on wall

Questioning, Curious, Cute Cats…!

“I’m a cat man!”

Is that a manly thing to say? Who cares…! In my travels I’ve come across many a cute cat and have had many enlightening conversations with them. On this page I will introduce you to my cats as well as the cats that cross my path. I also ask and invite you to upload your cat interests, photos and stories and we can make this the biggest cat web page in the world…!

We these are my two little rascals although they would both rebuff such an aspersion. Tucks on the left and SeeToe on the right…, Tucks on with half a left moustache and SeeToe with the other right half. Twins from the same egg…, Tucks a girl…, SeeToe a bad greedy boy but likes to play chess and look at his pretty toes!

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